Chen Hsiang Yin

Chen Hsiang Yin Clerk

Chen Hsiang Yin





1.Teaching Assistant Training and Tutoring Business
2. Ministry of Education Subsidy Teaching Assistant Nabao-Labor Insurance and Labor Retirement Subsidy Application
3.Teaching excellence teacher selection business, , distance teaching application operation and control business, , technical occupation network remote course information filling business, Technical college affairs basic database filling business,Completing the results of the implementation of digital learning courses in colleges and universities, teacher and assistant, Assisting in setting up campus calendar: Deadline for submission of application forms for distance learning courses, Convening of the distance learning promotion executive committee, Opening hours of teaching evaluation (mid-semester, end-semester) system, deadline for submitting coursework guidance handbooks manuals, Filling in the schedule, modifying the "Internal Control System Manual of the Education Development Center", Assisting teachers in evaluating, adding points and supporting evidence to upload homework, Production and collection of various evaluation reports and presentations: Supplementary evaluation report, Production and compilation of performance briefing, Integrating sight-guided digital learning, structure diagram, flow chart design and production (PPT & VISIO), Responsible for teachers' teaching professional knowledge improvement related business: course design, lecturer invitation and arrangement,learning certificate production and issuance, list upload, assistant recruitment business, Personal information inventory and risk assessment of the Education Development Center, Temporary tasks assigned by the director, Support Higher Education Intensive Cultivation Program, Support teaching practice plan

Year Title
2023 111學年度第二學期全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-淨零轉型下綠色永續科技發展趨勢
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-私校退撫儲金-您的基本權益
2022 10 個校務治理你不能不知道的為什麼(上)
2022 校務研究@長庚大學