Chen Ning

Chen Ning Assistant

Chen Ning





1. Collection and promotion of Must+Play course activities
2. Operation of TronClass system, C
3.Collection, integration and verification of micro-credit course, 4.Self-study course collection, compilation and verification work、5.Regularly tracking of the usage of the distance learning course platform、
6.Technical college affairs basic database filling business: Assist in filling out Form 3-5 actual class structure statistics table,
7.Assisting in filling out Form 4-2-11 Information Form for Students Taking Technology-related Courses;
Other business support、
8Temporary tasks assigned by the director、
9.Higher Education Deep Cultivation Program: Activity summary、Collection of course materials and data analysis、Regular tracking, write-off and results report collection、
10 Assist each department to successfully implement plan-related activities, write-off operations, etc.、
11.Teacher professional certification course lectures and contact window; teaching practice plan: Program contact window、Program Promotion and Management、Curatorial Planning for Publishing Results、Support accounting audit funds

Year Title
2024 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-ChatGPT對於教育領域的影響與實務應用
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-私校退撫儲金-您的基本權益
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-淨零轉型下綠色永續科技發展趨勢
2022 10 個校務治理你不能不知道的為什麼(上)
2022 校務研究@長庚大學