
楊舒涵 Shu-Han Yang Project Assistant

楊舒涵 Shu-Han Yang




886-3-5593142 Ext.2213


1. Participate in various meetings and briefings held by the Federation of Technical College Admissions Committees
2. Establish an admissions committee and hold an admissions committee meeting
3. Special selection and recruitment of the four-year colleges
4. Selection and enrollment of the four-year colleges
5. The joint registration and distribution of the four-year colleges
6. Various trial affairs for the enrollment of the Stars Program in Mingshin University of Science and Technology
7. Separate admissions for sports performance
8. Various examination services, including sports performance screening, examination, and enrollment services
9. Check and revise relevant regulations and key points of enrollment
10. Implementation, control, write-off and settlement of enrollment funds
11. Increase the number of additional quota applications for aboriginal students
12. Work for filling statistical data on education of indigenous peoples
13. Quota distribution filling and compilation work for each channel
14. Filling in the forms of Cloud University of Science and Technology School Affairs Database and relevant enrollment forms
15. Matters related to personal data inventory
16. Answer the phone and assist in dealing with candidates' problems
17. Other temporary tasks

Year Title
2024 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-ChatGPT對於教育領域的影響與實務應用
2023 全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會-淨零轉型下綠色永續科技發展趨勢
2023 111學年度第二學期全校教師教學暨輔導知能精進研討會