台英交流 明新科大引領英中學生入門半導體產業

▲英國斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團,在教育部國際及兩岸教育司副司長廖高賢、英國在台辦事處經濟署署長韓杰(Jessica Henry),及英國文化協會台灣處長羅瑞福(Ralph Rogers)陪同下,參訪參訪本校半導體人才培育基地,認識半導體產業
在我駐英國台北代表處、教育部及英國在台辦事處的促成與安排下,2月21日上午新學期初始之際,遠自英國的斯特普尼諸聖中學(Stepney All Saints School)訪問團蒞臨本校。教育部國際及兩岸教育司副司長廖高賢、英國在台辦事處經濟合作與發展署署長韓杰(Jessica Henry),及英國文化協會台灣處長羅瑞福(Ralph Rogers)等高級官員也一同前來,突顯英方對本次參訪的重視。
本校很榮幸是此訪問團在台行程中唯一造訪的大學,由校長劉國偉代表熱情歡迎斯特普尼諸聖中學師生。劉校長表示,半導體交流安排前來參觀「半導體人才培育基地」及「智慧製造人才培育基地」,引領英國的中學生入門半導體產業,期待透過本次參訪,讓英國年輕人了解台灣半導體產業及其對全球經濟的影響。劉校長說,本校也開始推動Mandarin for Special Purpose (MSP)計畫,讓外國人可以學習半導體專業術語的中文。
英國在台辦事處經濟署署長韓杰(Jessica Henry)說,英國與台灣有許多方面的合作交流,像是經貿、資訊及科技。很高興英方的圖靈計畫(Turing Scheme),讓學生可以來台參訪,尤其是來明新科大認識半導體產業。英國政府也有台英青年計畫(Youth Mobility Scheme),歡迎台灣學生申請前去英國交流。英國文化協會台灣處長羅瑞福(Ralph Rogers)則希望學生們可以多體驗不同文化,感受文化差異,並珍惜海外參訪的時刻。
斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團帶隊的副校長史密斯(Lewis Smith)表示,很開心在台灣教育部的安排下,有機會來認識台灣最知名的半導體產業及科技教育。訪問團選擇前來台灣,讓同樣是島國的英國學生,了解台灣發展科技產業的經驗。尤其在半導體業具備的優勢與其他國家關係的重要性。也希望來台灣的經驗,能給他們在未來申請大學和求職帶來優勢。
斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團,是獲得英國政府圖靈計畫(Turing Scheme)補助,5位師長及遴選出來的18位學生,2月16日起前來台灣參訪2週,參訪活動以半導體和科技教育為主題。除了來本校參訪半導體,也與南港高中、東石高中和永春高中合作海洋保育和擴增實境等主題的課程研究與交流。訪問團也參觀台灣各地的景點,包括台北101、淡水、樂華夜市、饒河夜市、新竹內灣老街、行天宮、台北清真寺和嘉義檜木村等,體驗道地台灣文化。
With the facilitation and arrangement of the Ministry of Education, the British Office Taipei, and the British Council, as the new semester begins, Minghsin University of Science and Technology (MUST) welcomed a delegation from Stepney All Saints School in East London, the UK this morning. Deputy Director General of the Department of International and Cross-Strait Education of the Ministry of Education, Liao Kao-Hsien, Director of Economic Growth of the British Office Taipei, Jessica Henry, and Director Taiwan of the British Council, Ralph Rogers, accompanied the visit, highlighting the importance attached by the UK to this visit.
MUST is honored to be the only university visited by this delegation during their trip to Taiwan. President Liu Kuo-Wei warmly welcomed the students from Stepney All Saints School. President Liu stated that the students visited the "Semiconductor Talent Cultivation Base" and the "Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory," aiming to introduce those British high school students to the semiconductor industry. He expected that through this visit, those students from the UK could understand Taiwan's semiconductor industry and its global economic impact. President Liu also mentioned that MUST has started promoting the Mandarin for Specific purpose (MSP) program, allowing foreigners to learn semiconductor professional terms in Chinese.
Deputy Director General Liao Kao-Hsien stated that since early 2023, the government has been actively assisting schools in the UK at all levels to exchange visits, allowing British students to experience Taiwan's STEM education and semiconductor industry talent cultivation, thereby promoting campus to be “glocalization” and bilingual advocated by the Ministry of Education. Deputy Director General Liao pointed out that MUST currently has the largest semiconductor teaching base in Taiwan. He jokingly remarked that the English abbreviation for Minghsin University of Science and Technology is “MUST”, so if someone wants to know semiconductors, they “must” visit this University. In addition, British students are welcome to come to Taiwan to learn Mandarin and engage in exchanges, with scholarships available from the Ministry of Education.
Jessica Henry, Director of Economic Growth of the British Office Taipei, mentioned that the UK and Taiwan have many aspects of cooperation and exchanges, such as economy, trade, information, and technology. She expressed her pleasure regarding the Turing Scheme initiated by the UK government, which allows students to visit Taiwan, especially to MUST to learn about the semiconductor industry. The UK government also has the Youth Mobility Scheme that welcomes Taiwanese students to apply for exchanges in the UK.
Ralph Rogers, Director Taiwan of the British Council, hoped that those students could experience different cultures, and embrace every moment in Taiwan.
Lewis Smith, Deputy Headteacher of Stepney All Saints School, expressed his delight at the opportunity, arranged by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, to get acquainted with Taiwan's most renowned semiconductor industry and technological education. He mentioned that the UK is also an island nation, through this program student can understand Taiwan's experience in developing technology industries, particularly the significance of the advantages in the semiconductor industry and relations with other countries. He also hoped that the experience in Taiwan would give them an advantage in applying to universities and seeking employment in the future.
The delegation, subsidized by the British government's Turing Scheme, consists of 5 teachers and 18 students who arrived in Taiwan on February 16th for a 2-week visit. In addition to visiting MUST to explore semiconductors, they also collaborate with Nangang High School, Dongshi High School, and Yongchun High School on theme research and exchanges such as marine conservation and augmented reality. The delegation also tours various attractions in Taiwan, including Taipei 101, Tamsui, Lehua Night Market, Raohe Night Market, Neiwan Old Street in Hsinchu, Xingtian Temple, Taipei Grand Mosque, and Chiayi Hinoki Village, experiencing authentic Taiwanese culture.
The delegation toured the "Semiconductor Talent Cultivation Base" and the "Intelligent Manufacturing Laboratory" at MUST. They experienced cleanroom suit wearing and airshower room, as well as learning the knowledge of semiconductor equipments and processing procedures. In the afternoon, with the assistance of MUST, the delegation will visit the TSMC Innovation Museum in the Hsinchu Science Park. (Source: The Office of International Affairs)

▲英國斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團,由副校長史密斯(Lewis Smith)(左一)帶隊參訪本校,校長劉國偉(左二)代表歡迎接待。(右起)英國文化協會台灣處長羅瑞福(Ralph Rogers)、英國在台辦事處經濟署署長韓杰(Jessica Henry)及教育部國際及兩岸教育司副司長廖高賢特別一同前來

▲英國斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團,參訪本校半導體人才培育基地,劉國偉校長(左一)向該團副校長史密斯(Lewis Smith)(右二)與學生解說半導體封裝製程與設備運作


▲英國斯特普尼諸聖中學訪問團參訪本校半導體人才培育基地,該團副校長史密斯(Lewis Smith)(右)與學生體驗無塵衣穿戴


