[NEWS]Business Students Broaden Horizons with Educational Trip to Singapore


To promote international exchange and broaden students' global perspectives, the Department of Business Administration, led by department chairman Hsu Yi-Ting and Professor Huang Ying-Je, organized a study trip from March 31 to April 4. Twenty Master Programs’ students from the Department of Business Administration and the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management traveled to Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) in Singapore and visited local enterprises.


The visit featured a series of lectures at Nanyang Polytechnic, all conducted in English. The curriculum included an overview of Singapore’s diverse ethnic culture, as well as its business, political, and economic environments. The lectures also highlighted the successful impact of digital marketing on tourism in Singapore. Additionally, courses on supply chain and reverse logistics were provided, offering students the opportunity to engage and seek advice from NYP faculty and students. The group toured the "Business Research and Service Center," "E-commerce Lab," "Sports and Wellness Management Center," and a Cheers unmanned store, gaining insights into how local students enhance their employability through academic-industry collaboration.


Besides academic sessions, the group visited several enterprises, including the well-known local food supplier Teo Soon Seng Pte Ltd, Universal Studios Singapore, and the NEWater plant. These visits allowed students to understand the companies' operational strategies and challenges and facilitated discussions on the dilemmas faced by small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan.


In addition to academic learning, the itinerary included cultural experiences at landmarks such as the Merlion Park, Marina Bay Sands, Little India, and Arab Street, enriching the students' understanding and appreciation of local culture.


The department chairman Hsu Yi-Ting expressed the hope that such visits and exchanges would expand students' international horizons and enhance their ability to bridge international contexts. Facing a global job market and competitive environment in the future, Xu hopes that students can reflect on their efforts during their studies to better prepare for future employment opportunities.(Sourced from: The Department of Business Administration)



