Department of Multimedia and Game Development Wins the NSTC's College Student Research and Creation Award for Two Consecutive Years


The results of the "2022 College Student Research and Creation Award(111年度大專學生研究創作獎)" organized by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC, 國科會) were recently announced. Chen Mei-Yi(陳美儀), a student from the Department of Multimedia and Game Development(多媒體與遊戲發展系), under the guidance of Professor Hsin Chinig-Yi(辛靜宜), has received the award. This is the second consecutive year that the Department of Multimedia and Game Development has been recognized with the NSTC's Award, highlighting their significant academic achievements.


Hailing from Hong Kong, Chen Mei-Yi has had a passion for drawing since childhood and pursued studies in design during high school. With an interest in the intersection of technology and art and considering employment opportunities in Taiwan, she chose to further her education here. Her award-winning project, titled "Virtual Streamer Implementation Project," involved creating and utilizing a self-designed "virtual streamer" as a substitute for human streamers. Through this project, her "virtual streamer" livestreamed esports events on campus, addressing the shortage of event streamers and indirectly encouraging introverted or camera-shy students to participate as "virtual streamer operators." Additionally, Chen discovered her expertise in 3D modeling through the execution of this project.


Chiu Yu-Yun(邱郁云), who has already graduated, received the award last year for her project titled "RPG MAKER Game Learning Implementation Project." Coming from a background in advertising design during high school and lacking programming skills, Chiu recognized the significant disparity between herself and those with programming backgrounds. In response, she designed a teaching software that enables individuals without programming knowledge to learn the RPG Maker software through a game-based learning approach. This software allows users to learn about variables and event programming concepts by progressing through stages. Recognizing the importance of programming skills in the game software industry, Chiu aims to further her own expertise as a programming education instructor, assisting more individuals who aspire to enter the field of game design.


The NSTC aims to encourage students with research potential in the field of science and technology. Annually, they openly solicit research proposals from college students and provide research scholarships to approved projects. Upon completion of the projects and submission of research reports, those deemed outstanding and creative are awarded the "College Student Research and Creation Award" along with a cash prize of NT$20,000. With two consecutive awards under the guidance of Professor Hsin Chinig-Yi from the Department of Multimedia and Game Development, the department stands as the sole institution in the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli region to achieve such recognition. This achievement represents the collaborative efforts and exceptional academic accomplishments of the faculty and students. (Information sources: the Department of Multimedia and Game Development)