PENG,TE-CHENG(彭德成) Project Assistant




03-5593142 分機2158


★Ministry of Education's special account for budget control, review, case closing and accounting work
Compilation unit: College of Engineering - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Chemical Materials, Department of Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering
★Industry-university cooperation and government department projects
★Sports i Taiwan
★Science Management Bureau
★Yunnan University of Science and Technology database filling report
★Annual income reporting and compilation

Aggregate organizational units:
Semiconductor (Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electronics, Department of Applied Materials, Department of Optoelectronics)
School of Engineering (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Soil Environment, Department of Engineering, and Engineering of Wind Power)
Common Education College (General Studies Center)
Faculty of Humanities (Duoyou Department, Cosmetics Program, Fashion Department, Transportation Management Department, International Foreign Language Department)