與美國蒙大拿理工大學簽訂MOU 開啟臺美高等教育半導體人才交流新局


▲國際處安排本校與美國蒙大拿理工大學簽訂教育合作MOU,蒙大拿理工大學校長Dr. Les Cook (左上圖左)與校長劉國偉(左下圖中)透過視訊簽訂合作

      為提供學生更國際化的教學資源與促進臺美教育交流,達成發展為一流國際化大學目標,在國際事務處安排下,11月30日上午與美國蒙大拿理工大學(Montana Technological University)簽訂教育合作備忘錄,由校長劉國偉與蒙大拿理工大學校長Dr. Les Cook透過視訊會議代表兩校簽署MOU,開啟臺美教育交流新局。

      MOU簽署儀式有蒙大拿州亞太商務辦事處王美美代表親自出席,而我國駐西雅圖臺北經濟文化辦事處甄國清處長、蒙大拿州商務廳廳長Scott Osterman、教育部國際及兩岸教育司李彥儀司長,以及駐舊金山臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組周慧宜組長等貴賓,也線上參與見證合作,皆高度肯定本校推動跨國教育合作的努力,也期待兩校在半導體人才培育、華語教學、TEEP(臺灣體驗教育計畫)及人才交流上有更多的合作,讓優秀的美國青年有機會在臺灣學習華語以及在半導體科技產業上獲得更深入的了解和體驗。


      蒙大拿理工大學校長Dr. Les Cook也特別提到雙方合作將互惠互利,他很希望看到蒙大拿理工大學的學生有到台灣海外學習和實習的機會,與未來兩校教師進一步的交流。



On the morning of November 30, 2022, Minghsin University of Science and Technology and Montana Technological University (Montana Tech) signed a memorandum of understanding for educational cooperation. The agreement was signed online by President Liu, Kuo-Wei and President Dr. Les Cook through a video conference. The signing was witnessed online by representatives from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Seattle, the Montana Department of Commerce, the Department of International and Cross-strait Education of the Ministry of Education (MOE), and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco. Director Wang, Meimei of the Montana Asia Trade Office in Taiwan personally attended the signing ceremony at Minghsin to congratulate on the collaboration.
The cooperation aims to provide more international teaching resources for students and initiate a new era of higher education exchange between Taiwan and the United States. Between the two universities will involve more collaboration in semiconductor talent cultivation, Chinese language teaching, TEEP (Taiwan Experience Education Program), and talent exchange. American students will have the opportunity to learn Chinese and get to know the semiconductor technology industry in Taiwan.
President Liu Kuo-Wei said that Taiwan's semiconductor industry is ranked first in the world. In response to domestic industry demands, Minghsin integrated departments to establish the first "Semiconductor School" in early 2021. The cooperation with Montana Tech will start with the semiconductor field.
Dr. Les Cook said that the cooperation between the two universities will be mutually beneficial. He hopes that Montana Tech's students will have the opportunity to go to Taiwan to learn, and he looks forward to exchanges between the faculties of the two universities.
Dr. Nicole Yen-Yi Lee, the Director-General of the Department of International and Cross-strait Education of the MOE, said that the MOE provides scholarships and welcomes Montana Tech students to apply to study Chinese language in Taiwan. The MOE can also dispatch Chinese language teachers to teach in Montana.
International students from Montana Tech who come to Taiwan can also have language exchanges with Minghsin's teachers and students, as well as senior high school students in the Hsinchu area. The two universities will carry out technological talent cultivation, language exchange, and international education cooperation through short-term exchange programs such as TEEP, Overseas Internship Program. (Source: International and Cross-Strait Education Center)


▲本校與美國蒙大拿理工大學簽訂國際教育合作,蒙大拿州商務廳廳長Scott Osterman(上排左二)、教育部國際及兩岸教育司李彥儀司長(上排右二)、駐西雅圖臺北經濟文化辦事處甄國清處長(上排右一),及駐舊金山臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組周慧宜組長(中排右二),及Montana Tech相關師長,透過視訊參與見證合作


