「品牌創價學程」培育休旅精緻化人才 與The One開啟產學合作創新模式


▲本校與The One辦理「品牌創價學程」,開啟產學合作創新模式,培育人才創造休旅產業的品牌價值

      本校與The One於1月12日下午,在The One南園人文客棧舉行品牌創價學程簽約儀式,由劉國偉校長和劉邦初執行長共同簽署合作MOU,此一合作案預計於112年啟動,將開啟產學合作的創新模式,深具意義。

      本校歷史悠久,是辦學績效卓著的技職院校,屢獲企業最愛科技大學前三名。The One 則是國內知名的創意生活產業業者,旗下有The One南園人文客棧、The One中山概念店等品牌。「品牌創價學程三年產學合作計畫」的精神,即是結合兩者之長,以品牌之本及本職學能為訓練主軸,拓展「感質服務」體驗。

      促成此合作計畫的因緣,起於劉國偉校長大力推行大四實習一年政策,希望學生「就學即就業」,在學期間即累積業界年資的辦學理念,深獲The One創辦人暨執行長劉邦初先生的認同,遂積極與本校展開產學合作規劃,希望與The One重視企業「人才培育」、「企業文化傳承」的精神與優質學校教育相結合,摒棄業界普遍視實習生為補足「人力缺口」過客的作法,務實地協助同學親身體驗如何經營品牌,並且透過On Job Training實際參與服務的過程,創造自身的價值,進而共同提升服務產業的價值。劉執行長表示,創自己的價,也創產業的價,才是The One想要與學校合作最大的初衷。The One的人才培育一向秉持老中青不同世代的融合,不僅有70多歲的人文管家,如今更要往下培養青年種子,讓The One在創意生活產業領域上的品牌精神,能透過傳承的方式,一棒一棒接力下去。


      「品牌創價學程」的課程概念包含「品牌美學DNA」與「服務美學The Sense」為兩大目標,以品牌與企業文化、美學體驗、管家的款待美學、茶藝、花道與人文、感動服務學為課程主軸,讓學生們在實務練習中,學習如何在建構、發展、傳遞品牌精神與價值。此外,The One以款待服務為基底,不斷地推疊、啟發員工在生活對文化的探索與創新。The One執行長劉邦初認為,在這美學焦慮的時代,如何找到品味生活美感的人才是各大產業目前最匱乏的。因此為了讓瞭解光與影的變化,會請月津港策展人陳禹霖來跟員工分享;請台灣好基金會執行長李應平分享池上四季藝術節的成功之處與文化內涵;或是請台灣首席品水師夏豪鈞來教大家如何品出水的千百種滋味,在沉浸式的學習環境中接收生活上的提案與豐富靈感。

      The One南園人文客棧位於新埔九芎湖,與本校有地緣之便,休閒系洪毓美主任表示,南園與休閒系一直有很深的淵源,10年前本系畢業生黎玉娟是第一個到南園就業的系友,從基層做起,表現優異,近期將晉升為南園院落主理人。而在The One南園人文客棧擔任二當家的人文管家廖于珺,也是8年前畢業的學姊,她笑著表示,雖然當初她是自己應徵進來,但是在這8年的磨練中,她不僅歷練了各個單位的挑戰,參與了數次品牌重建、深化的過程,不到三十歲的她對於如何創造品牌價值有自己一套的想法。對於這次自己服務的東家跟母校可以展開學程合作,她樂見其成,也期待有更多的學弟妹可以投入創意生活產業。事實上,去(2022)年進來的2名實習生在她的帶領下,現在已經可以獨當一面的做園林導覽,頗有大將之風地跟旅客互動,並計畫在畢業後轉為The One的正職員工。


      培育人才,留住人才,一直是服務業面臨的最大問題。在漫長的疫情期間,The One以不裁員、不減薪,深化產品內容來修練自身,運用文化創價、產業創價思維,以餐飲、康養、生活商品、文化展演等跨域產業主題,創造沉浸式體驗,打造未來宿旅風格與生活方式,為台灣休閒產業開拓嶄新的境界。洪主任認為,休閒系培育「精緻休閒產業服務人才」的課程精神,可以在南園獲得實踐的具體機會,未來The One南園與明新的合作,將可為學界、業界與學生未來創造3贏的局面,為國內休閒服務精緻化奠定學術基礎,為臺灣休閒服務產業提供菁英,創造臺灣獨特之人文感動服務特色品牌,提升臺灣在此產業的國際競爭力。

      「品牌創價學程三年產學合作計畫」是The One在產學界為創意生活產業投入的第一步,未來預計還會與本校合辦年度服務產業相關議題的論壇與創意產業在職 EMBA 班,讓員工與各行各業對於創意產業有興趣的人一起共襄盛舉,打造台灣更好的品牌之路。


On January 12, 2023, Minghsin University of Science and Technology held a signing ceremony with NanYuan Land of retreat & wellness of The One Corporation for the “Brand Creation Value Program”. President Liu, Kuo-Wei and CEO Liu, Bang-Chu signed a cooperation Memorandum of Understanding(MOU). The industry-academia cooperation would mark the start of an innovative between both sides.

President Liu vigorously promotes the policy of “one-year internship in the fourth year of college”, hoping that students can be employed and accumulate industry experience during academic years. This philosophy has gained the recognition of The One's founder and CEO, Mr. Liu. Therefore, the company actively planned and assisted in industry-academia cooperation, practically helping students to personally experience how to manage brands and create their own value by participating in the service process by On Job Training mode. Mr. Liu stated that creating one's own value while also creating value for the industry, it’s also the primary goal of The One cooperation with MUST. 

The "Brand Creation Value Program" is expected to award 24 credits, including 18 internship credits in the senior year and 6 self-study credits. After graduation, students will immediately enter a two-year professional training program. The students will have accumulated three years of work experience s after graduation. During the internship period, students will receive welfare benefits such as continuing education and experiential learning, and their internship and regular employee salaries will be relatively competitive in the industry. 

The course concept of the "Brand Creation Value Program" includes two major goals: " DNA of Brand Aesthetic " and " The Sense of Service Aesthetics". It will focus on brand and corporate culture, aesthetic experience, majordomo service, tea art, flower arrangement and humanities…, allowing students to learn how to construct, develop, and convey brand spirit and value in practical exercises. 

NanYuan is located near us in Jiuqionghu of Xinpu. The Chair of the Department of Leisure Management, Hung Yuh-Mei, said that NanYuan has a deep connection with the department, with graduates having been employed there 10 years ago, starting from the grassroots and performing outstandingly, and now being executives who can stand on their own. 

In the future, the collaboration between The One Nanyuan and Minghsin will create a win-win-win situation for academia, industry, and students, laying an academic foundation for the refinement of domestic leisure services, providing elites for Taiwan's leisure service industry, creating a unique brand of humanistic and emotional service characteristics in Taiwan, and enhancing Taiwan's international competitiveness in this industry.(Source: Department of Leisure Management, Nanyuan)

▲本校與The One產學合作「品牌創價學程」,由劉國偉校長(左)和劉邦初執行長代表簽署MOU

▲本校與The One辦理「品牌創價學程」,開啟產學合作創新模式,培育人才創造休旅產業的品牌價值

▲本校與The One產學合作,劉國偉校長(左)與劉邦初執行長期許透過「品牌創價學程三年產學合作計畫」培育人才,創造休旅產業品牌價值
