休閒系邀請高齡90前世界休閒組織理事陳景星教授 傳承人生經歷與成功祕訣



      休閒事業管理系3月8日晚間,邀請高齡90歲的前世界休閒組織(World Leisure Organization)理事陳景星教授,於進修部「文化休閒資源應用」課程中,為同學專題演講,分享他的人生經驗與成功祕訣。歷屆系主任也慕名前往耹聽,2個小時的精彩演講,分享其從台北師範大學教職,繼而舉家前往紐西蘭發展的機緣,進而成為國際休閒領域泰斗的人生歷程,席間陳教授也傳授成功金句,鼓勵學生學習。


      陳教授在大學時期就對體操情有獨鍾,雖沒有得獎功績,仍積極求進、自我要求在體操領域精進。他是台灣首位考取國際體操總會(International Federation of Gymnastics, FIG)國際體操裁判證照的第一人,曾擔任1964年東京奧運及1968年墨西哥奧運我國體操代表隊教練。陸續當過紐西蘭全國體操協會會長、國際體健休總會大洋洲秘書長及副會長、亞洲運動科學學會國際顧問,及世界休閒協會理事。


On the evening of March 8, 2023, the Department of Leisure Management invited Professor Peter Chen, a 90-year-old former director of the World Leisure Organization, to give a special lecture and share his life experience and success secrets. The former department heads also attended to listen to the two-hour talk, which included Professor Chen's journey from Taipei to New Zealand. Professor Chen also shared his success secrets and encouraged students to study hard.

Professor Chen and his wife appeared together in the classroom, both in good health and energetic during the speech. Professor Chen has been teaching for 51 years both domestically and abroad, having taught in New Zealand since 1970. He was the first person in Taiwan to obtain the International Federation of Gymnastics (FIG) international gymnastics referee certificate and promoted gymnastics in Taiwan. He also served as the coach for Taiwan's gymnastics team in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1968 Mexico Olympics, receiving many awards in sports, leisure, and health fields.

During the lecture, Professor Chen talked about how to find one's mission, cultivate resilience, perseverance, and a global vision. He also stressed the importance of asking good questions, as it is crucial to the learning process. After the speech, Professor Chen responded to questions from students, emphasizing the importance of finding one's mission and continuing to move forward with loyalty, reliability, responsibility, and integrity as the path to success.

Professor Peter Chen has a deep connection with the Department of Leisure Management, having participated in the "2008 International Seminar on Service Innovation" and maintaining a 15-year friendship. He returns to Taiwan from New Zealand every year and gives a lecture at the department. Professor Chen has devoted his life to education, and he is generous in passing on his life experience, inspiring younger generations with positive spirit. (Photo and text provided by the Department of Leisure Management)

