打造沉浸式數位原民文化創意基地 泰雅族傳統竹構建築修復計畫成果展登場






      成果展開幕當天,也邀請合作的四所國小校長進行分享座談會,包括徐榮春(Makus Suyan)校長、蘇美娟(Yayut Isaw)校長、葉文杰(Masaw Pusan)校長、比令‧亞布(Piling yapu)校長,以及趙俊雄(kaleh taro’)老師分享成果說明,讓更多人了解和認識泰雅族傳統竹構建築文化,歡迎對原民傳統建築與文化有興趣者報名參加座談,3月20日前,於活動網址報名:https://reurl.cc/4QWb1Y ,共同支持原住民族的文化保存與傳承。(資料提供/原民處)

The Aboriginal Education Development Office of Minghsin University of Science and Technology was commissioned by the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) to establish a project management center to carry out the "The Talent Cultivation Project for Traditional Atayal Bamboo Architecture Restoration in 2021". On March 22, 2023, the center will hold a presentation and symposium to showcase the project's results, and to award completion certificates and prizes. Icyang Parod, the chairman of CIP, will also be invited to attend the opening ceremony.

The main purpose of this project is to cultivate professional talents in traditional bamboo architecture for the Atayal. MUST has collaborated with four indigenous experimental elementary schools (Taoshan Elementary School in Wufeng Township, Jiaxing Elementary School in Jianshi Township, Xiangbi Elementary School in Tai'an Township, and Bowuma Elementary School in Heping District) to complete a 40-hour traditional bamboo architecture talent training course, as well as a 50-hour practical training, totaling 90 hours.

Dean tiwaS.tara of Aboriginal Education Development Office, stated that through this talent cultivation project, seed teachers who can practically build traditional bamboo architectures were mentored and trained. Thirty-three students participated in the entire training course, and completion certificates will be awarded during the presentation of project results.

The project results exhibition will be held for nine days from March 22 to March 31 at the Art Center in campus and is free of charge. The exhibition will present the process of repairing bamboo architectures, as well as the results of image preservation. The project combines multimedia digital field technology, such as 3D modeling, AR, VR, 360-degree panoramic views, and MR, to construct an "immersive" virtual environment and digitize the Atayal's bamboo architecture images.

On the opening day of the presentation, the four cooperating elementary school principals will be invited to hold a sharing symposium to allow more people to learn and understand the culture of traditional Atayal bamboo architectures. Those interested in indigenous traditional architecture and culture are welcome to sign up for the symposium before March 20 at the following activity website: https://reurl.cc/4QWb1Y.(Photo and text provided by the Aboriginal Education Development Office)




