第12屆觀光精英盃北區初賽 休閒系學生呈現台灣旅遊特殊文化獲佳作






      今年菁英盃的競賽主題以國內旅遊及國外來台旅客規劃,分別為「我的畢業旅行」及「台灣HONEY MOON」,強調台灣在地特色旅遊及豐富的自然景觀資源、宣揚台灣的觀光價值。參賽者分為大專組與高中職組,現場抽題製作遊程規劃,提高規劃遊程競賽參賽者的專業度、增加學術及產業界深度交流的機會。



The Northern Region Preliminary of the 12th Tourist Elite Cup National Tour Planning & Design Competition was held on May 4th at Minghsin University of Science and Technology. 118 teams of university and high school students from northern Taiwan participated, with over 500 people registering for the competition. In the opening ceremony, President Liu Kuo-Wei encouraged participating students to enhance their professional abilities, unleash their creativity, and embody the spirit of "Internationalization at Home" to showcase Taiwan's unique and best tourism culture through this competition.
The Elite Cup Northern Region Preliminary was organized by the Department of Leisure Management, with the Chair of the department, Hung Yuh-Mei, expressing her honor to receive the commission of the Tour Planning & Design Association of R.O.C to host the preliminary. All the teachers and students of the department worked hard to prepare and execute the event, contributing to the annual event of the tourism industry.

This year's competition featured two themes: "My Graduation Trip" and "Taiwan HONEY MOON" travel planning, emphasizing the local characteristics and natural landscape resources of tourism in Taiwan. After a day of fierce competition, six high school teams and 20 university teams won the qualifications for the national finals. Two students from the Department of Leisure Management won excellent work with their travel plans focusing on "outdoor exploration" and "aboriginal culture and historical experience."

The Tourist Elite Cup National Tour Planning & Design Competition is guided by the Tourism Bureau, MOTC and organized by the Tour Planning & Design Association of R.O.C. It is the largest and most significant tour competition in Taiwan.(Photo and text provided by the Department of Leisure Management)




