美國猶他州高中生華語研習團 體驗半導體教育與學習華語



      在我駐舊金山教育組的牽線下,一團來自美國猶他州的學生、老師和家長共計96人,將從5月29日至6月9日在本校華語文教學中心進行為期兩週的短期華語研習。此研習團成員來自Skyridge, Lone Peak, Lehi, Orem等四所不同的高中,學生均具備基礎中文溝通能力且熱衷學習中華文化,為教育部自解封以來補助美國來台研習華語人數最多的一團,具體落實台美教育倡議及雙語計畫的交流精神。

      國際處於29日舉行始業式迎接研習團成員,劉國偉校長熱烈歡迎研習團師生,並向他們介紹本校的半導體教育特色,希望他們不僅來學華語,還能多認識台灣這一項世界級的成就。美國不斷擴大半導體的產能,猶他州的Lehi也是,歡迎有興趣的年輕學子來台灣學習半導體。代表致詞的Alan Heath老師過去曾在台灣傳教,對台灣有深厚的情感,他感性地說道「台灣是我的第二個家」,期許學生這次來台灣沈浸式地學中文,只要勇於開口講,一定會有很大的收穫。教育部國際及兩岸教育司董慶豐秘書致詞時也提到,他7月即將要派赴舊金山教育組服務,猶他州是他的轄區很高興能在台灣先見到大家,教育部提供許多來台灣學習的獎學金機會,他很樂意協助有興趣的美國同學們申請。

      華語文教學中心表示,本次研習期間將進行密集的華語訓練,並安排學生參加華語文能力測驗TOCFL考試。此外,為使美國高中生充分認識台灣,也安排他們參訪台北101、中正紀念堂、九份、淡水等知名景點,及由雙語計畫培訓之華語志工課後陪伴學員們嚐鮮各種新竹美食與認識新竹在地文化。還有藉由在本校學習的地利之便,在校內的半導體封裝測試類產線教室體驗基本的半導體製程課程,並安排參訪新竹科學園區,瞭解台灣半導體在世界上的重要性。(資料、照片來源/ 國際處、華語文教學中心)

Under the coordination of the Education Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, a group of 96 individuals from Utah, United States, including high school students, teachers, and parents, arrived at our school on May 29th. They will participate in a two-week short-term Mandarin study program at the Center of Chinese Language Teaching. The members of this study group come from four different high schools: Skyridge, Lone Peak, Lehi, and Orem. The students possess basic Chinese communication skills and have a strong interest in learning Chinese culture. The group represents the largest number of American participants studying Mandarin in Taiwan since the lifting of travel restrictions, demonstrating the tangible implementation of Taiwan-U.S. Education Initiative and the Bilingual Education Program between Taiwan and the United States.

To welcome the study group members, the Office of International Affairs held a grand opening ceremony on the morning of May 29th. President Liu Kuo-Wei warmly welcomed the teachers and students and introduced them to the unique features of our semiconductor education. He expressed his hope that they would not only learn Mandarin but also gain a deeper understanding of Taiwan's world-class achievements in semiconductor industry. President Liu also mentioned that the United States continues to expand semiconductor production capacity, and Lehi, Utah, is a benchmark region in this field. He welcomes young students who are interested to come to Taiwan to learn about semiconductors. Alan Heath, the representative of the study group, delivered a speech. He had previously served as a missionary in Taiwan and has a deep emotional connection to the country. Emotionally, he said, "Taiwan is my second home," and expressed his belief that students will have great gains from learning Mandarin by immersion during their time in Taiwan as long as they are brave enough to speak. David Dong, First Education Secretary from the Department of International and Cross-strait Education of the Ministry of Education, also mentioned that he will be heading to the Education Division in San Francisco in July, which oversees Utah as well. He was pleased to meet everyone in Taiwan and emphasized that the Ministry of Education provides many scholarship opportunities for students interested in studying in Taiwan, and he is more than willing to assist American students who are interested in applying to come to Taiwan.

During the program, there will be intensive Mandarin learning and arrangements for students to take the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) exam. Additionally, to ensure that American students have a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan, they will visit famous attractions such as Taipei 101, CKS Memorial Hall, JiuFen, and TamSui. The volunteers trained under the Bilingual Education Program will accompany the students after class to introduce them to various Hsinchu delicacies and the local culture. Taking advantage of our campus facilities, the students will have the opportunity to experience basic semiconductor manufacturing courses in the Semiconductor Packaging and Testing Factory and visit the Hsinchu Science Park to understand the importance of Taiwan's semiconductor industry on a global scale. (Source: Office of International Affairs, Center of Chinese Language Teaching)



