第27屆TDK盃創思設計及製作競賽 本校獲遙控組、自動組亞軍、季軍等8項大獎



      第27屆「TDK盃全國大專校院創思設計與製作競賽」今年競賽主題為「華山論劍 城池保衛戰」,有14所大專校院共29支隊伍參賽,分「自動組」及「遙控組」2組;參賽隊伍需精心設計出可以越過崎嶇地形、閃躲障礙、精準投擲圓球與羽球、立起摺疊牌子的機器人,分別由機器人自主行動,或由參賽者遙控機器人的方式完成關卡。



The teams from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Electronic Engineering, and the Department of Electrical Engineering participated in the 27th Taiwan TDK ROBCON held at National Taipei University of Technology from October 12th to 14th. After three days of intense preliminary rounds, semi-finals, and finals, they achieved outstanding results, securing a total of 8 awards, including the Second Place in the remote control category and the Third Place in the automatic category.


The theme of the 27th Taiwan TDK ROBCON was "The Battle for Defending the Fortress at Mount Hua," with a total of 29 teams from 14 colleges and universities participating in the competition, divided into the "automatic category" and the "remote control category."


After intense preliminary and semifinal rounds, they advanced to the finals. The final results were as follows: the Department of Mechanical Engineering secured the second place at remote control category, and the Department of Electronic Engineering claimed the third place at automatic category. Additionally, students from the Department of Electronic Engineering, and Electrical Engineering each received an honorable mention. 


In the "Innovation Award" category, both the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering received the High Distinction Award, while students from the Department of Electronic Engineering were recognized with the Honorable Mention.


Our university places a strong emphasis on practical skills and hands-on learning, encouraging students to develop their practical skills through competitions. The competition serves as a training ground where students learn about creative design and technical skills. In addition to enhancing their professional expertise, students also develop skills in teamwork, communication, and coordination. Every year, guided by their instructors, students form teams to participate in the prestigious the Taiwan TDK ROBCON. This year, the participating students gave their best efforts to strive for excellence, resulting in an impressive collection of 8 awards.

機械系學生團隊「The Game」獲得第27屆TDK盃遙控組第二名​​​​​(照片來源/TDK官網直播畫面)



機械系學生團隊「The Game」獲得第27屆TDK盃「創意獎」遙控組特優​​​​​(照片提供/機械系)

