2023明新盃廚藝暨飲調大賽 旅廚系2金2银2銅1佳作









In an effort to promote local agricultural products and develop creative cuisine using Xinfeng's indigenous ingredients, the Department of Hotel Management and Culinary Creativity hosted the "2023 4th Minghsin Culinary and Mixology Competition" on October 21st. This event focused on utilizing local, seasonal agricultural products and followed the scoring system of international culinary competitions. It provided a platform for university and high school students to showcase their culinary talents. This year's competition saw participation from 14 schools, with a total of 42 teams.


The competition used scoring criteria similar to international culinary contests, creating a scenario that simulated international events. This allowed students to gain experience and exposure to the standards of international competitions. The judging criteria included aspects like food safety, cooking techniques, creative ingredient pairing, flavor balance, and overall presentation. The top-scoring entries in each category were honored with the "Golden Chef Award."


After a day of intense competition, the judges selected outstanding entries. The team from the Department of Hotel Management and Culinary Creativity achieved remarkable results with a total of 2 gold medals, 2 silver medals, 2 bronze medals, and 1 honorable mention. (Photos and text provided by the Department of Hotel Management and Culinary Creativity)
