培育BIM專業人才 土環系成立Tekla Structures授權認證中心


▲土環系成立Tekla Structures授權認證中心,由(左起)Trimble總監Leonard、劉國偉校長,及歐亞電腦陳泰安經理代表三方簽署合作備忘錄

      為培養建築、土木工程領域專業BIM建築資訊模型(BIM, Building Information Modeling)人才,及推動桃竹苗地區相關產業的創新與教育合作,土木工程與環境資源管理系與美國軟硬體開發商Trimble Solutions SEA PTE LTD(以下簡稱Trimble),和台灣代理商歐亞電腦合作,在土環系館成立Trimble旗下3D結構BIM軟體「Tekla Structures」的授權認證中心。三方於11月7日下午舉行授權認證中心的簽約暨揭牌儀式,由劉國偉校長、Trimble原廠東南亞地區通路管理總監Leonard,及歐亞電腦陳泰安經理,代表三方簽署合作備忘錄,並為授權認證中心揭牌啟用。

      劉國偉校長表示,軟體授權簽署同時建立了三方的產學合作關係,將Tekla Structures BIM解決方案導入土木建築工程教育體系內,開設BIM技術證照課程,讓學生預先習得業界已成必備技能的BIM技術與概念,為學生提供更多實務應用領域接觸的機會。

      Trimble東南亞地區通路管理總監Leonard Yeung指出,Tekla Structures是一套建築結構3D實體模型專業軟體,涵蓋概念設計到細部設計、製造、組裝等整個工程專案流程,直覺式的操作方式,所見即所得,能讓學生容易且精準地學習設計並建立任何複雜尺寸的智慧型建築模型。

      土環系陳鴻輝主任表示,BIM軟體Tekla授權認證中心正式掛牌在土環系館一樓,設置專門的空間安裝、儲存、展示Tekla Structures,以及培訓課程使用。期望未來系上與Trimble及歐亞電腦共同建立長期維護合作關係,舉辦相關培訓、講習活動促進產學之間的合作,擴大BIM技術的教育,及提升學生資訊技術在工程實務應用的專業能力。

      工程學院劉崇治院長、終身教育處陳永忠處長、推廣中心王繼華主任、土環系陳鴻輝主任、阮玉梅助理教授、風電學位學程張崑宗主任,以及歐亞電腦侯權鍵博士、蔡明君副理、許育碩工程師、黃敏怡工程師等人,也出席「Tekla Structures」授權認證中心簽約暨揭牌儀式。(資料提供/土環系)

To cultivate professionals in the fields of architecture and civil engineering with expertise in Building Information Modeling (BIM), the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Informatics, in collaboration with the U.S. software and hardware developer Trimble Solutions SEA PTE LTD. (hereafter referred to as Trimble) and its Taiwanese agent Engineering Computer Services Taiwan Co., LTD. (hereafter referred to as ECS), has established an authorized certification center for Trimble's 3D structural BIM software, "Tekla Authorised Training Center." The unveiling and inauguration ceremony for the authorised center was scheduled for the afternoon of November 7th.

President Liu Kuo-Wei expressed that the software licensing agreement simultaneously establishes a tripartite collaboration between academia and industry. The integration of Tekla Structures BIM solutions into the civil and architectural engineering education system will include the introduction of BIM technology certification courses. This initiative enables students to acquire the essential BIM skills and concepts that are already indispensable in the industry.

Leonard Yeung, Director of Trimble, highlighted that Tekla Structures is a professional 3D solid modeling software for building structures. It covers the entire project workflow, from conceptual design to detailed design, manufacturing, and assembly. With an intuitive operation method, the software allows students to easily and precisely learn design and create intelligent building models of any complexity.

The Tekla Authorised Training Center is located on the first floor of the department building, equipped with dedicated space for installing, storing, and showcasing Tekla Structures. It will also serve as a hub for training courses. (Provided by the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Informatics)

▲土環系成立Tekla Structures授權認證中心,由(左起)歐亞電腦陳泰安經理、Trimble總監Leonard及劉國偉校長代表為中心揭牌啟用

▲土環系成立Tekla Structures授權認證中心,由(左起)Trimble總監Leonard、劉國偉校長,及歐亞電腦陳泰安經理代表三方開啟產學合作,共同簽署合作備忘錄
