美國猶他州高中生華語研習團再次造訪 透過華語學習交流認識台灣

在駐舊金山教育組的牽線與教育部的補助下,來自美國猶他州Skyridge、Westlake、Lehi、Lone Peak和Orem等五所高中的105名高中生、老師及隨隊家長,再次造訪台灣,於5月27日至6月7日在本校華語文教學中心展開兩週的短期華語學習。研習團的學員均已具備基礎華語溝通能力,對認識台灣文化充滿期待。
為歡迎遠道而來的學員,研習第一天上午特別舉辦始業式,劉國偉校長代表校方歡迎研習團成員再次來訪。劉校長說,新竹是半導體產業的故鄉,希望學員們除了學習華語,也能了解台灣在半導體領域的世界級成就。研習團代表致詞的何老師(Alan Heath)也表示很高興能再度帶學生來到台灣,曾在台灣居住多年的他感性地說:「台灣是我的第二家鄉。」他鼓勵學生把握在台灣沈浸式的環境裡,勇敢開口講華語跟台灣人交流,必定會有很大的收穫。
薛副國際長進一步提到,因去年首度辦理猶他州研習團的成功經驗,吸引美國伊利諾州Parkland College教師特地隨行前來觀摩及場勘,以及前往台北中正高中及新竹光復高中參訪。Parkland College預定明年將安排學生組團來本校研習,提供華語教學與半導體專業知識結合的學習內容。
除課堂的學習,研習團在5月30日下午走訪新竹城隍廟老城區,認識台灣的傳統文化和生活方式及新竹的歷史風貌。在城隍廟,學員們對台灣的宗教信仰和民俗文化感到好奇。在走訪過程中,學員們運用課堂上學習的華語與當地民眾交流,購物、品嚐新竹的米粉、貢丸湯、芒果冰等廟口美食,接著前往巨城、後站夜市逛街當「一日新竹人」。31日下午安排竹前往竹南的假日之森沙灘,週末則會前往高雄觀光並與楠梓高中進行交流,研習團把握短短兩週的時間,把華語帶出教室實際與台灣人互動。(資料、照片提供/國際處、國交中心、華語中心 )
One hundred five high school students from Utah visited Minghsin University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Hsinchu County for a two-week intensive Chinese language and cultural immersion program.
According to a MUST press release, the trip is part of the university's efforts to deepen cooperation and exchange in the education sector between Taiwan and the U.S. and to enhance understanding of Chinese and Taiwanese culture among the students. The students mainly came from five high schools in Utah, Skyridge, Westlake, Lehi, Lone Peak, and Orem, and they have basic Chinese communication skills and are eager to learn more about Taiwan.
Upon arrival, the students were welcomed with a special ceremony held by MUST President Dr. Liu Kuo-wei (劉國偉), who spoke about the connection between Taiwan's semiconductor industry and the students' educational experience. Alan Heath, a teacher representing the study group, expressed his appreciation for the opportunities provided by MUST and said he was happy to be back in Taiwan.
In addition to Chinese language classes, the study group participated in cultural activities to improve their Chinese conversational skills. These activities included dancing with Indigenous students, participating in an English singing competition, and playing basketball with the university's basketball team. Students also participated in workshops to make traditional Taiwanese snacks such as scallion pancakes, pineapple cakes, and fragrance sachets of the Dragon Boat Festival.
The group also visited MUST's Semiconductor Talent Cultivation Base to learn about the key Chinese terminology used in the industry and observed the process of making semiconductor chips while using mixed-reality headsets to operate the factory systems.
The Office of International Affairs said the successful experience of the first Utah study tour last year created a ripple effect that attracted Parkland College in Illinois, U.S. to Taiwan to learn from the experience of the study tour. Two teachers were sent to observe and conduct site inspections and visit Taipei Municipal Zhong-zheng Senior High School (臺北市中正高中) and Hsinchu Kuang-Fu High School (新竹光復中學).
Parkland College is scheduled to arrange for a group of students to come to MUST next year to study, providing a combination of Chinese language teaching and semiconductor professional knowledge.
The group also visited the old town area of Chenghuang Temple (城隍廟) in Hsinchu to learn more about Taiwan's traditional culture and lifestyle as well as the history of Hsinchu. During the visit, participants used the Chinese they learned in the classroom to communicate with locals, shop, taste Hsinchu's temple food such as rice noodles, gongwan soup, and mango ice, and then go to the Big City shopping mall and Houjian night market to shop and become "one-day Hsinchuites".
The school said the group took advantage of the two weeks to practice their Chinese outside the classroom and interact with Taiwanese people. (Sourced from: The Office of International Affairs)







