Overseas Students Service Center is a single service window for overseas students. Students can seek professional consultation from Overseas Students Service Center to have their various problems and questions resolved.

Overseas student consultation can be further subdivided into 4 major categories, including cultural adaptation, learning adaptation, life adaptation and interpersonal adaptation. Concrete actions taken were fully described as below:

(1) Cultural adaptation lectures such as “Round-the-Island Journey” and “Visiting Local Cultural Heritage” were delivered, so that overseas students can better understand domestic culture and have their misunderstanding generated from cultural differences eliminated.

(2) Learning exchanges between domestic students and overseas students were encouraged, while overseas students from upper grades were also invited over to share about their own learning experiences.

(3) Overseas student clubs were established to provide overseas students with a sense of belongingness and a dedicated channel to express themselves.

(4) Common activities between local students and overseas students were arranged, so that an exchange platform can be fully established to shorten overseas student’s interpersonal adaptation timespan。

Counsulting and support network

  1. Help foreinger student to understand the Taiwanese Culture
  2. Encourage foreinger and Taiwanese students interact.
  3. Prevent of cultural prejudice invovlve when staff facing foreigner students. 

Learning Adaptation

  1. Encourage foreigner student to participate activities outside of classroom. 
  2. Provide scholarship for outstand performance in class.
  3. Assisting staff to help foreigner student adapting learning enviroment, and to understand and solve their difficulties and needs

 Life Adaptation

  1. Encourage foreigner student to have hobby to release stress and pressure. Use support if needed. 
  2. Caring foreigner student if having trouble of adapting culture and unwilling of going class, trouble of making friends.

Social Adaptation

  1. Help student to have positive relationship with others.
  2. Encourage the foreigner student to interact with the Taiwanese student.

Services provided

  1. Enrollment assistance
  2. Residential and enrollment
  3. Orientation
  4. Transfer, expel, dropout related counsulting
  5. Curriculum counsulting
  6. Scholarships information provide
  7. Learning and emotional problem referral
  8. Work permit assistance
  9. International student insurance and NHI enrollment
  10. Activity organize
  11. Medical support 
  12. Other information provide