Eligibility of Application



  1.  1.具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍,於申請時並不具僑生資格者。

An individual of foreign nationality, who has never held nationality status from the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and who does not possess an overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application

  1.  2.具外國國籍且符合下列規定,於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者。

An individual of foreign nationality, pursuant to the following requirements and who has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is also qualified to apply for admission under this regulation.

  1.   a.申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。

An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C. , but does not hold nor has had a household registration in Taiwan.

  1.   b.申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年。

An individual who also was a national of the R.O.C. but has no R.O.C. nationality at the time of their application shall have an annulled status regarding their R.O.C. nationality for no less than 8 years after an annulment of R.O.C. nationality by the Ministry of the Interior.

  1.   c.前二款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學,且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發。

Regarding individuals mentioned in the preceding 2 subparagraphs, they must not have studied in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor received placement permission during the same year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students.

  1.  3.具外國國籍,兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者。

An applicant of foreign nationality, concurrently holding a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao, having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan and, at the time of application, has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or another foreign country for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations.

  1.  4.曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者。

An applicant being a former citizen of Mainland China and holds a foreign nationality, having no history of household registration record in Taiwan, and at the time of application, has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations.


Overseas as prescribed in paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 is limited to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau;


The term continuously means that an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year.


The six year calculation period as prescribed in paragraph 2, paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (Feb. 1st or Aug. 1st) as the designated due date for the time of study.


An individual eligibility is based on MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwanhttps://goo.gl/nVdEVV . If the MOE regulations are revised,the latest MOE regulations shall prevail.



學歷Educational background

  1.  1.符合教育部採認之高中、大學或獨立學院畢業者(國際及兩岸教育司網站https://goo.gl/4vIUJ6)。申請學士班者需具國外高中畢業或以上學歷、申請碩士班者需具大學畢業或以上學歷。

Applicants who have graduated from a high school, college or university recognized by the Ministry of Education of Taiwan can apply for admissions (please refer to the website https://goo.gl/4vIUJ6). Foreign students with a foreign high school diploma or above are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs and bachelors degree or above for master programs

  1.  2.具有與我國學制相當之同等學力資格者。

Applicants with equivalent qualifications to the academic degree system of Taiwan can apply for admissions.

  1.  3.申請人畢業學校須為我國教育部認可或當地國政府權責機關或專業評鑑團體認可,符合教育部「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」(https://goo.gl/29yeFG)規定之學校或我國政府立案之學校,否則恕不受理申請。

Those institutions from which applicants graduated must be accredited schools approved by the Ministry of Education of the R.O.C. as well as in accordance with the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Educatio https://goo.gl/IEQcd9 .Otherwise, the application will not be accepted.

  1.  4.英制高中中學五年學歷 (Form 5) 申請入學者,於原課程外需增修畢業學分。其增修畢業學分之科目由系所另行訂定之。

Applicant who graduated from Form 5 System (High school of British system of 5 years) and apply to enter MUST, need to earn more credits.The course profile will be arranged by each department.