國科會大專生研究創作獎 多遊系連續兩年獲獎
國家科學及技術委員會(簡稱國科會)「111年度大專學生研究創作獎」評選日前揭曉,本校多媒體與遊戲發展系來自香港的陳美儀同學,在辛靜宜老師指導下,以「虛擬主播實作計畫」獲獎。辛老師去年也有指導邱郁云同學「RPG MAKER 遊戲學習實作計畫」獲獎,多遊系連續兩年榮獲國科會大專學生研究創作獎,展現豐碩學術成果。
畢業自香港德雅中學的陳美儀同學,外表甜美,從小喜歡畫畫,在高中時讀的是設計科系。因想朝科技藝術領域及考慮在台灣就業,所以選擇來台灣升學。陳美儀最大的愛好就是畫畫,會以「虛擬主播」為計畫主題,緣於系上年度的電競大賽鬧「人才荒」,真人主播一直有人手不足、經驗傳承不易且風格局限的窘境。於是她發揮繪畫專長,提出自製虛擬主播代替真人主播的構想,在辛靜宜老師的指導下,繪製2D人物改製成偽3D,再結合VTube Studio追蹤操控者臉部表情,做出科幻風的虛擬主播角色。以「虛擬主播」直播校內幾場電子競技賽事,不但解決了校內賽事的主播荒,也鼓勵了內向或恐懼鏡頭的同學成為「虛擬主播操控師」,讓有心當直播主的同學也能跨出經營自媒體的第一步,使用虛擬角色當主播的賽事,獲得「創新有趣」、「虛擬主播美極了」的好評。陳美儀也曾獲得僑務委員會「111年度傑出僑生獎」、愛迪斯科技「2022元宇宙虛擬偶像角色設計大賽優選」等榮譽。執行「虛擬主播實作」計畫後,也讓大三的陳美儀決定,透過系上實習資源加強專業技能,朝3D建模領域發展。
今年已大四畢業的邱郁云,去年也在辛靜宜老師的指導下,以「RPG MAKER 遊戲學習實作計畫」成果獲得110年度大專學生研究創作獎。高中讀義民中學的廣告設計科,在缺乏程式背景下,邱同學在「遊戲設計」課程的學習,體認到與有程式背景者明顯落差。所以發想設計「以遊戲學習方式,跨越程式門檻」的教材軟體,在辛靜宜老師指導下,運用RPG Maker軟體的「編輯遊戲內容同時也可以進行遊戲」的特性,實作出一款具多重關卡的遊戲「Game Master」,讓沒有程式基礎的人,以「破關」方式學習操作RPG Maker,建立變數與事件程式觀念。破關同時也學會RPG Maker軟體的基礎功能與部分進階功能,並完成自製遊戲。也因為大學四年的程式學習,她認為程式能力在遊戲軟體業很重要,因此畢業後想朝程式教育講師領域發展。
The results of the "2022 College Student Research and Creation Award" organized by the National Science and Technology Council were recently announced. Chen Mei-Yi, a student from the Department of Multimedia and Game Development, under the guidance of Professor Hsin Chinig-Yi, has received the award. This is the second consecutive year that the Department of Multimedia and Game Development has been recognized with the NSTC's Award, highlighting their significant academic achievements.
Hailing from Hong Kong, Chen Mei-Yi has had a passion for drawing since childhood and pursued studies in design during high school. With an interest in the intersection of technology and art and considering employment opportunities in Taiwan, she chose to further her education here. Her award-winning project, titled "Virtual Streamer Implementation Project," involved creating and utilizing a self-designed "virtual streamer" as a substitute for human streamers. Through this project, her "virtual streamer" livestreamed esports events on campus, addressing the shortage of event streamers and indirectly encouraging introverted or camera-shy students to participate as "virtual streamer operators." Additionally, Chen discovered her expertise in 3D modeling through the execution of this project.
Chiu Yu-Yun, who has already graduated, received the award last year for her project titled "RPG MAKER Game Learning Implementation Project." Coming from a background in advertising design during high school and lacking programming skills, Chiu recognized the significant disparity between herself and those with programming backgrounds. In response, she designed a teaching software that enables individuals without programming knowledge to learn the RPG Maker software through a game-based learning approach. This software allows users to learn about variables and event programming concepts by progressing through stages. Recognizing the importance of programming skills in the game software industry, Chiu aims to further her own expertise as a programming education instructor, assisting more individuals who aspire to enter the field of game design.
The NSTC aims to encourage students with research potential in the field of science and technology. Annually, they openly solicit research proposals from college students and provide research scholarships to approved projects. Upon completion of the projects and submission of research reports, those deemed outstanding and creative are awarded the "College Student Research and Creation Award" along with a cash prize of NT$20,000. With two consecutive awards under the guidance of Professor Hsin Chinig-Yi from the Department of Multimedia and Game Development, the department stands as the sole institution in the Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli region to achieve such recognition. This achievement represents the collaborative efforts and exceptional academic accomplishments of the faculty and students.(Information sources: the Department of Multimedia and Game Development)