輔導原民生考取建築BIM建模師證照 原民處產學合作科學化傳承原民文化




      原民處林杏(tiwaS.tara)處長表示,本次與原景發展科技產學合作,邀請土木工程與環境資源管理系阮玉梅教授,共同執行合作「Google彰濱IDC CHG5 FOS & FOCS之BIM建置勞務計畫」。BIM指的是建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling),是在建築或土木工程專案中,以電腦輔助虛擬設計、施工與管理技術及流程。所以本計畫包括彰濱工業區工程BIM模型建置、辦理操作訓練課程,以及人才輔導。

      產學合作辦理建築BIM建模師課程的原景發展科技趙俊雄總經理表示,原住民傳統建築多透過萃取耆老知識,以師徒制的親授、口傳方式傳承,並沒有現代「STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Aesthetics, Mathematics)內涵。但知識經驗要經過科學化才能有效的保存、轉化成民族教材來傳承教育及應用。透過這次產學合作案推動,希望能夠培養原住民學生從BIM建模課程,學習到STEAM知識並活用融入原民文化,成為未來原鄉建築的專業人才。    


The Aboriginal Education Development Office has assisted in the cultivation of indigenous students in the fields of engineering and science education. As a result, they have collaborated with Ori-Vision Developing Technology Co., Ltd. and the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Informatics to implement a civil engineering talent training program. Two indigenous students successfully obtained the Building Information Modeling (BIM) Engineer certification by utilizing the training program.
Dean tiwaS.tara of the Aboriginal Education Development Office stated that the collaboration between Ori-Vision and the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Informatics is part of the “BIM construction for IDC CHG5 FOS & FOCS Works of Google data center at Changhua Coastal Park in Taiwan", which includes the establishment of BIM models for Changhua Coastal Park, operation training courses, and talent guidance. In accordance with the talent guidance program, the Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Informatics has designed a series of BIM Engineer certification courses to provide students with BIM software operation skills and certification guidance.
Kaleh taro' tawtawwazay, General Manager of Ori-Vision, stated that traditional indigenous architecture is often passed down through the elderly in a system of apprenticeship and oral transmission, without the modern "STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Aesthetics, Mathematics)" spirit. However, knowledge and experience need to be scientific to be effectively preserved and transformed into national teaching materials for inheritance and application. Through this industry-academic cooperation, the hope is to cultivate indigenous students to learn STEAM knowledge and apply it to indigenous culture through BIM courses.
A total of 34 students participated in the BIM Engineer certification courses provided in this industry-academic cooperation program, and 33 students successfully obtained the certification, with a high pass rate of 97%. Among them, two indigenous students, Song Zhonf-Wei of the Taroko tribe and Lin Yu-Jie of the Atayal tribe, performed exceptionally well and obtained certification on their first attempt. They express gratitude to the school and Ori-Vision for providing the industry-academic courses that allowed them to learn practical skills in architecture and civil engineering. They hope to have the opportunity to apply these skills to projects related to the development of buildings or landscapes in their hometowns, and to inherit indigenous traditional architectural culture in a scientific manner.(Photo and text provided by the Aboriginal Education Development Office)

