
International and Cross-Strait  Operations Division

Brief Introduction

      To enhance our overall competitive advantage, education internationalization has long been an important strategy for Minghsin University of Science and Technology (MUST). Since the campus internationalization was initially promoted and the government’s higher education export policy was first enacted, we have been dedicated to enrolling international students, strengthening academic exchanges, and developing new teaching methods. Great progress has been made over the years.

In order to cope with the increasing numbers of foreign students and to show our resolution for campus internationalization, MUST has established in 2014 the International and Cross-Strait Affairs Promotion Committee and our International and Cross-Strait  Operations Division was founded later on in 2016. International and Cross-Strait  Operations Division integrates three centers that originally belong to different departments: The International Education and Exchange Center, the Foreign Students' Counseling and Service Center,the Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,and theNew Residents' Education Development Center. The integration synergizes the strengths of different sectors as well as increases our administrative efficiency and therefore greatly improves our internationalization competitiveness.

The number of overseas students enrolled in MUST per year has been increasing steadily since 2008. To show our resolution for campus internationalization, we invited Ministry of Education (MoE) over to conduct site visit at our school in both 2013 and 2014. According to MoE’s evaluation assessment results in 2016, we have made great progress in the quality of internationalization. Then, in 2017, we started the Industry-Academia Collaboration Program for International Students under the guidance of MoE. Now we have more than 900 students in such programs, which is the top one among all universities and colleges in Taiwan.

Currently, we have on campus about 1,100 students from 16 countries: Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Ukraine, Singapore, India, Haiti, Russia, Nicaragua, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Mainland China.



International and Cross-Strait Education Center

  International and Cross-Strait Education Center provides several important services such as seeking alliance with overseas colleges, promoting intercollegiate exchanges, enrolling overseas students, conducting student exchange program, meeting foreign guests, organizing overseas summer / winter camps, providing overseas education consultation services, and arranging international education & exchange program. By bringing our geographical advantages and administrative features into full play, an international education & exchange program generated from industry-academic collaboration can be fully developed.


 New Residents' Education Development Center

 To expand educational services for new residents and their children and fulfill the social responsibilities of the university. Provide consultations on innovative education services for Taiwan’s new residents and children , affirm themselves and enhance their multiple values, strengthen employment training, assist in publicizing government education policies and subsidies, promote ethnic integration and respect, and create a pluralistic society.

The mission is as follows:

 1. Enrollment business for new residents and their children

2. Counseling new residents and children , education consultation, and research on related topics such as multiple channels for further education

3. Training new residents and their children as seed teachers, promote the language and culture of their home country

4. Linking new residents and children with expertise and skill training courses to expand employment opportunities

5. Handle the promotion and advocacy activities of multicultural concepts, talent training and learning courses, as the basis for industry matching

6. Promote innovative services and participate in the activation of industries and community development services.

7.Handle the talent training cooperation and fundraising of the Taiwanese Business Association (branch) of relevant countries.

8.Handle new residents and their children's training programs, other related new residents' education development business, etc.

9.Established the "Taiwan New Residents Education Development Association" to promote the education and training of new residents.

10.Other related new residents' education development business.