
中心教學特色 Educational Features


1.  As a technical university, we give priority to practical knowledge and skills that will help students land a job after graduation. Our Chinese teaching seeks to bridge connection with students’ professional expertise.


2.  All our teachers have either Certificates of Proficiency in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language (TCSL) issued by the Ministry of Education or doctorate/master’s degrees in TCSL from national universities.


3.  Teachers have a good command of both Pinyin and Mandarin Phonetic Symbols, and they teach simplified Chinese characters as well as traditional ones.

4.  本中心提供入門級至中高級完備之聽說讀寫課程以提升國際生華語溝通能力,並輔導取得華語文能力證照。

4.  We provide courses ranging from fundamental to high-intermediate proficiency levels and offer guidance in passing Chinese language proficiency tests.

5.  每學期舉辦增進華語能力之系列活動如演講、朗讀、歌唱比賽。

5.  Each semester, speech, oral reading, and singing contests are held to help improve Chinese language abilities.

6.  舉辦文化體驗活動如書法、配合節令之慶祝活動、國際文化節、參訪故宮博物館。

6.  Cultural activities, festivities, and field trips are held each year.

7.  每一國際產業專班課程配備一名助教,協助教師授課與溝通。

7.  A TA is provided for every Industry-Academia Collaboration Program course for proper communications between the instructors and students.

8.   本中心教師和善親切,尊重學生,教學活潑,提供多元活動使學生在做中學,並且運用視聽教材模擬真實情境,利用學習APP授課與互動。

8.  Instructors are kind and enthusiastic, providing diverse, hands-on courses, utilizing multimedia and mobile applications for interactions and simulated context learning.

9.   本中心教學設備完善,資源豐富,具備優質之學習環境。

9.  We provide a wide range of learning facilities resources, creating an excellent learning environment.

10. 本校設有E-Learning網路學習平臺,讓學生能在教室以外學習華語。

10. The university has set up E-Learning, an online learning platform, for students to study Chinese outside the classroom.

11. 除學業外,亦注重生活輔導與照料,確實貫徹「以人為本,用心交流」的精神。

11. We also provide assistance outside of the classroom as well as language counseling.

12. 新竹是台灣的科技重鎮,亦具有豐富的客家文化與原住民文化特色,人民友善,是生活與求學的好所在。

12.     Hsinchu, where we are located, is not only a center of technology but also rich in Hakka and aboriginal cultures. With nice people and reasonable expenses, it is a perfect place to live and study in.