成績單及結業證書 Grades & Course Completion Certificate
成績單及結業證書 Grades & Course Completion Certificate
- 學員修業期滿並且成績及格者,由本中心發給成績單及結業證書。學員若未參加期中、期末測驗 ,或結業成績未達規定(總平均分數低於70分),以及缺席時數超過規定(缺課含請假,總時數不得超過整學期上課時數的25%) 則不發予結業證書。
The grade report and certificate of course completion will be provided at the end of each term. However, no certificate will be issued if the student has no grades of midterm or final exam, or the final average grades are lower than the standard (70 points), or he/she doesn’t fulfill the regulated attendance hours (absence and leave hours should be under 25% of the total required attendance hours.).
- 學生如有額外成績單及結業證書之需求,請於課程最後一週或離校前到本中心申請,提出申請後開始受理。如需郵寄,請繳交NT200元郵資並備妥文件,本中心將於課程結束後約50天,統一以航空掛號寄出。
To apply for extra grade report or certificate, please fill out the application form at the office a week before leaving school. If the grade report and certificate need to be sent to students by post, it will be sent via registered airmail about 50 days after the end of term, and it costs NT$200 for postage (which shall be paid to the office upon application).
Student’s name, studying period, and class hours will be presented in the certificate. Credits are not offered for this course.
Only transcript (no certificate) for those who join the class halfway.