
保險 Insurance


意外保險 Accident Insurance

      於本中心就讀之學生,中心亦將協助投保意外醫療保險,此保險自每學季開學當日起生效,以保險公司報價為準(每半年NTD 3000)。

      Accident insurance is also provided for the students enrolled at CLTC. The accident insurance comes valid on the first day for the duration of 6 months.The insurance fee depends on the statement by insurance company (about NTD 3000/half year). 


健保資訊 National Health Insurance


     Those who have an ARC AND have been staying in Taiwan for consecutive 6 months can apply for the National Health

Insurance (you may leave Taiwan once for less than 30 days; the days you stay in Taiwan shall be exactly 6 months in total,

the days you are out of Taiwan excluded).   



  • 1. 持居留證至居住所在地的區公所 (市公所) 辦理加保。Go to the Administration Division of your resident area for the insurance sheet with your ARC.
  • 2. 持「居留證」、「加保單」及「兩吋照片一張」,至中央健保局北區業務組辦理健保IC卡。
  • Go to the Bureau of National Health Insurance for the Insurance IC card with your ARC, insurance sheet and one photo (2 inches).



The Bureau of National Health Insurance: https://eng.nhi.gov.tw/en/mp-2.html