退費Refund Policy
退費Refund Policy
- 開課前申請退費者,退還已繳學費90%。
Students who file a refund application after the payment is made and before the course starts are entitled to a 90% refund of the tuition.
- 自實際上課之日起,未逾全期授課時數三分之一申請退費者,退還已繳學費50%。
Students who file a refund application before the first third of the course are entitled to a refund of 50% of the tuition.
- 自實際上課之日起,已逾全期授課時數三分之一者,不得申請退費。
There will be no refund after the first third of the course.
- 若招生不足或其他非歸咎於學員之事由,因此無法開課,無息退還已繳費用。
If the class is not open because of low enrollment or other reasons that has nothing to do with students, all the paid fees will be refunded.
- 除上述原因無法開課之班別外,報名費概不退還或保留。
Application fee will not be refunded except for the situation mentioned above in Point 4..
- 申請退費之學員須於截止日當日16:00前,攜帶下列文件「親自」至華語文教學中心辦公室辦理。
Refund application shall be filed by 16:00 of the deadline. Please submit the following application documents to the CLTC office in person
- 申請退費所需文件 Refund application documents:
(1)退費申請書(現場填寫) Application form (filling out the form on site)
(2)繳費證明(收據)正本 original receipt
(3)學生證正本 original CLTC student ID card
(4)身分證、護照或居留證影本 The photocopy of ID card/passport/ARC
(5)本人存摺封面影本(帳號及分行名稱須清晰) The photocopy of the cover page of the applicant’s bank account book (which shall clearly indicate the bank’s branch’s name and the account number)